Talent Acquisition and Development
Implement more comprehensive systems to enhance talent retention and external recruitment.
Implement more comprehensive systems to enhance talent retention and external recruitment.
Talent Acquisition
We recruit talents through diversified channels that the company offer feedback to communities by providing local employment opportunities.
- channels of job hunting websites
- employment service stations
- new Southbound Industry Classes
- participation in job fairs
- attends local community recruitment activities
Talent Acquisition is not affected by gender, religion, ethnicity, nationality or political preference, educational background, or age. Once retention is confirmed, all labor terms entered between the company and employees comply with local regulation requirements, which include:
- salary
- overtime fee
- labor and health insurance
- severance/pension payment
- group insurance
- other employee benefits
We recruit talents through diversified channels that the company offer feedback to communities by providing local employment opportunities.
- channels of job hunting websites
- employment service stations
- new Southbound Industry Classes
- participation in job fairs
- attends local community recruitment activities
Talent Acquisition is not affected by gender, religion, ethnicity, nationality or political preference, educational background, or age. Once retention is confirmed, all labor terms entered between the company and employees comply with local regulation requirements, which include:
- salary
- overtime fee
- labor and health insurance
- severance/pension payment
- group insurance
- other employee benefits
Diversity and Inclusion
Support employment diversity and equity with actions
- We uphold the concept of equality for everyone. In addition to employing foreign workers from multiple countries, the company also leverages its inclusion spirit in hiring native foreign spouses (the so-called “spouses from China, spouses from other countries”) by employing 0 part-time workers and 3 interns.
- In terms of promotion, nationality is not a factor to be considered. Promotion is offered depending on management capability. There are five supervisors with foreign nationals in 2023.
Care for disadvantaged groups
- We pay special attention to employment for disadvantaged groups. In 2023, there were no newly employed individuals with mild disability. With this, the company retains a total of 8 mentally/physically disadvantaged individuals including 2 individuals with severe physical disability. In terms of proportion, our employees have 1.7% disability people, which is more than the mandatory employment 1.0% rate based on the “People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act.”
- In addition, the company also employs 6 financially disadvantaged employees, and this accounts for 1.3% of the total employee number. In the event the company needs extended working hours (overtime), such employees with urgent financial needs than those of other employees will be considered. Therefore, departments will be requested to arrange overtime for employees of this group to increase their income.
Statistics for employment of physically disadvantaged individuals during the last 3 years
Year | Shulin | Yingge | Dongshan | Total | Employment Percentage |
2021 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 6 | 1.2% |
2022 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 1.7% |
2023 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 1.7% |
Migrant worker care
We comply with related labor laws from the International Labour Organization, the International Organization for Migration, various international covenants, and the Domestic Labor Standards Act. Starting in 2022, the company initiated a full-scale implementation of a” Zero Relocation Fee” policy for migrant workers. To protect migrant worker’s rights, related expenses incurred during the employment process such as domestic and foreign pandemic prevention expenses, domestic and foreign service fees, physical examination fees and residence certificate fees will all be assumed in full amount by the company. This not only releases migrant workers’ financial pressure when coming to Taiwan but also allows migrant workers to utilize these saved expenses to improve their quality of life as well as that of their families.
“Zero Placement Fee” policy for migrant workers has resulted in the reimbursement of fees for a total of 126 migrant workers.
Resulted in the reimbursement of fees amounting to $3,103,811 TWD in 2023.
Each migrant worker can save an average of $24,633 TWD on transportation expenses.
▲ We promoted a new workplace culture through DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), celebrating the Philippines holiday Christmas together in 2023. We organized the event “Phili Sweet Christmas” to enhance employees’ sense of belonging and significantly boost morality within the company.
Talent Turnover
Due to the pandemic impact and low birth rate, there is a severe shortage of labor the in talent market. A total of 87 new employees were recruited in 2023. This accounts for 18.8% of all employees, whose data is 1.4% lower compared with the one for 2022.
Increase employee retention rate
In 2023, the company initiated multiple measures for hiring talents. There were a total of 96 employees resigned excluding employees leaving because of retirement or expiration of contract term. Among them, there were 30 female employees and 66 male employees. The average monthly turnover rate is 0.9% and this is 0.3% lower than the average monthly turnover rate in 2022.
Talent Development System
Material Topic | Talent Development |
Significance for the Company | KYF hopes to establish a learning-type organization. We not only emphasize enhancing employees’ professional knowledge, skill, and attitude but also hope to create a joint-growth learning type organization through a comprehensive education and training system. We are convinced that only employees who continue to learn will be able to ensure corporate sustainable operation and development. |
Impact | When employees are overwhelmed by the unreasonable workload, their capability to enhance expertise is limited. As a result, the company cannot catch up with changes in the market, and therefore the company lacks market competitiveness. |
Policy and Commitment | To achieve the company’s talent development goals, we have established a systematic training program designed to cultivate talent in alignment with our growth strategy and financial objectives. To support this ambition, we have increased overall training hours to equip employees with diversified knowledge, professional work skills, and a collaborative attitude. |
Short-term goal | Training key talents and front-line successors, and establishing an OJT (On-the-Job Training) system for new employee development. |
Medium- and long-term goals | Establishment of Professional Learning blueprints for respective functionalities |
Course of action | The company’s operation strategies are linked with the implementation and promotion of the Talent Quality Management System (TTQS). Complying with PDDRO (Plan/Design/Do/Review/Outcome) assessment process cycles has ensured the reliability and accuracy of the training process for the purpose to continue strengthening human capital as well as enhancing the training system’s operation efficiency. |
Results | In 2023, the company’s total employee training hours reached 9,515.1 hours, with an average of 20.6 training hours per employee. |
Responsible unit | HR Department |
Training Development System
Our training is mainly composed of 5 major systems: “Fundamental New Employee Training,” “Professional Competence Training,” “Management Competence Training,” “General Education and Core Competence Training”, and “Self-Inspiration Learning.” Courses for respective systems are planned and adjusted in real-time based on the company’s annual operation guidelines, changes in the external environment, department performance targets, and employee occupational development needs. Training courses needed for cultivating comprehensive talents are provided accordingly. In addition to internal lecturers, the company also introduces domestic and foreign quality training courses or designates respective professional talents to conduct training to enhance colleagues’ quality and their overall competitiveness.
Fundamental New Employee Training System
This training assists new employees to know the work environment and to be integrated into the company’s culture. The course also includes new employee training and learning management requirements and systems.
Professional Competence Training System
This training assists employees in cultivating work professionalism and regulatory requirements. It includes courses for occupational safety and health, production and manufacturing, quality management, sustainable development, research and design, sales and service, procurement management, general administration, finance and accounting, human resources, information technology management, and so on.
Management Competence Training System
This training assists employees to enhance management and leadership capability. It includes courses for respective levels of management, conflict management, work improvement, leadership and tutoring, and so on.
General Education and Core Competence Training System
We assist employees in understanding the company’s vision, mission, and policies, establish a correct work attitude, foster team consensus, and continue the spirit of sustainable development.
Self-Inspiration Learning System
This training assists employees in developing a language or second expertise.
Training Performance
Our company is committed to enhancing employees’ professional qualities and skill development by actively promoting various training programs. In 2023, the total training hours for our employees reached 9,515.1 hours, with an average of 20.6 hours per person. This represents an increase of 6.1 hours per person compared to the previous year. This increase is due to the government’s full subsidy for the Enterprises Human Resource Upgrade Program in 2023, which boosted the number of trainees and training hours internally. These ongoing training programs not only help improve the company’s overall competitiveness but also provide a solid foundation for the employees’ career development.