Sustainable operation
KYF values the feedback of every stakeholder.
KYF values the feedback of every stakeholder.
Stakeholder Identification
Identification Selection
Colleagues of the ESG Committee work team, which was convened, conducted the identification and selection of objects. 7 categories of stakeholders are: government/competent authority, clients, employees, suppliers/contractors/business partners, inspection/verification agencies/consulting firm/industry association/academic institution/research Institution, investors/shareholders/financial institutions, and community residents/general public.

Identification Selection
Colleagues of the ESG Committee work team, which was convened, conducted the identification and selection of objects. 7 categories of stakeholders are: government/competent authority, clients, employees, suppliers/contractors/business partners, inspection/verification agencies/consulting firm/industry association/academic institution/research Institution, investors/shareholders/financial institutions, and community residents/general public.

Respective departments distributed stakeholder questionnaires to stakeholders and collected their feedback contents. The contents of the questionnaire mainly adopted 5 major principles designed in the Stakeholder Engagement Standard, AA1000 SES 2015 to investigate stakeholders’ 5 perspectives, which include the level of dependence, influence, level of concern, responsibility, and multiple perspectives.
5 major principles
level of concern
multiple perspectives
5 major principles
level of concern
multiple perspectives
Stakeholder Engagement
KYF is dedicated to becoming the best company in the world. Being Asia’s biggest thermoforming food container manufacturer, the company not only takes stakeholders’ views on the company seriously, but it is also proactively engaged in communication and collaboration with stakeholders through various channels to create multiple-win situations. As a result, the company pays attention to listening to stakeholder’s thoughts, responds, and conducts related measures accordingly. During the engagement process, the company’s principle is not to disregard the minority’s opinion. In addition to including or consolidating all stakeholders’ opinions, the company also allows all stakeholders to freely express opinions or to express in anonymity to ensure that the most accurate responses are collected.
Stakeholders | Meaning/Purpose of KYF | Concerned Subjects | Communication Channels | Communication Frequency |
Government/Competent Authority | Compliance with domestic/foreign related requirements; Active collaboration with policy implementation; Establishment of trust and collaboration relationship. | Occupational Safety and Health Regulation Compliance Energy Management Information Security Risk Management |
Telephone Communication Software Labor Inspection Face-to-Face Meeting |
Random |
Client | The client is not just a source of revenue. The company needs to listen to clients’ voices, provide products and services that meet customer’s needs, and provide more space for King Yuan Fu to grow and supply more quality service through continuous learning and adjustment. | Innovative Design Product Safety and Quality Customer Relationship Circular Economy Carbon Emission Information Security |
Telephone Communication Software Face-to-Face Meeting |
Daily |
Employee | Talents are the core foundation and key to corporate management. The company respects and cares for employees to attract talents to develop their expertise and create efficiency. | Occupational Safety and Health Compensation and Benefits Talent Incubation Employee Diversity and Inclusion |
Telephone Communication Software Document Promotion Face-to-Face Meeting Reading Club |
Daily |
Supplier/Contractor/Business Partner | Suppliers, contractors, and business partners play a crucial role in product manufacturing. Only high-quality raw materials can safeguard clients’ investment and ensure consumers’ safety and satisfaction. | Supply Chain Management Raw Material Management Anti-Corruption Occupational Safety and Health |
Telephone Communication Software Face-to-Face Meeting |
Daily Random |
Inspection /Verification Agencies/Consulting firms/Industry Associations/Academic Institutions/Research Organizations | Through third-party verification and continuous collaboration with industry associations and academic institutions, we ensure all company systems comply with standards and regulations. This provides peace of mind to our clients and end-users regarding the safety and reliability of our products. | Product Safety and Quality Occupational Safety and Health Risk Management Anti-Corruption Energy Management Carbon Emission |
Telephone Communication Software Face-to-Face Meeting Workshop Event E-News |
Yearly Random |
Investors/Shareholders/Financial Institute | Investor’s support is the power that drives King Yuan Fu to march steadily. It is also a partner that allows King Yuan Fu to illustrate values sustainably. | Operational Performance Risk Management Anti-Corruption Corporate Governance |
Telephone Communication Software Face-to-Face Meeting |
Random |
Community Resident/General Public | Care for Local Residents; Feedback to the Public; Enhance Social Positive Influence. | Community Care / Neighborliness | Telephone Communication Software Activity Participation Face-to-Face Meeting |
Random |
Identification of Material Topics
Material Topics Identification Procedures
01Collection of Evaluation Topics for Social Impact Assessment
Collection of Evaluation Topics for Social Impact Assessment:
To assess the impact of relevant current social events on King Yuan Fu and its stakeholders, we designed the questionnaire topics based on sources from government regulations, client and stakeholder expectations, newspapers and magazines, industry feedback, both domestic and international sustainability initiatives (e.g., GRI, the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), SASB, Sedex), and results from discussion tools.
Formulation of Survey Topics:
Through topic collection and internal discussions, we compiled 21 discussion topics into a questionnaire, covering three major themes on economic, environmental, and social aspects.
02Evaluation of Impact on Company and Stakeholders
In 2023, to assess the impact of each evaluation topic on the company and its internal and external stakeholders, we distributed the survey to employees, clients, and suppliers. In total, we collected 275 responses: 7 from government or competent authorities, 12 from clients, 187 from employees, 54 from suppliers, contractors, or business partners, 8 from Inspection, verification agencies, consulting firms, industry associations, academic institutions, or research organizations, 2 from investors, shareholders, or financial institutes, and 5 from community residents or the general public.
03Identification and Assessment of Material Topics
Phase 1: Identification of Material Topics Based on Stakeholder Feedback and Impact Analysis
Analysis was conducted based on feedback results from the questionnaire. A matrix with two dimensions was established accordingly. One dimension is the level of influence on its stakeholders; the other is the impact of issues on KYF. Among these 21 evaluated topics, points were calculated based on the level of impact on the company and stakeholders. From the statistics results, there were 14 material topics identified accordingly (upper right red words on the following matrix).

Phase 2: Assessment of Positive & Negative Impacts of Material Topics
Based on the 14 material topics discovered from the phase 1 assessment result, KYF conducted an in-depth impact scenario analysis (for consideration of the nature of issues and the focus of the company’s operation).
三大面向 |
議題 |
假設情境 |
正面+ / 負面 – |
主要影響對象 |
影響衝擊描述 ( 經濟、環境、社會 ) |
治理面 | 公司治理 | 公司著眼於永續經營,以 SDGs 為指導原則,制定永續發展願景與政策、並訂定 ESG 策略 | + | 員工、供應商、客戶、員工、社區、環境 | 環境:落實循環經濟與減碳,降低塑膠製品對環境的負面衝擊。 社會:重視企業社會責任,提高人權保障、降低不平等 / 歧視。 |
環境面 | 供應鏈管理 | 逐步推動”永續供應鏈”,將社會與環境面向納入供應商評鑑 | + | 供應商 | 環境、社會:供應商開始推動環境管理系統、職安管理系統、遵守人權規範,對 ESG 有正面助益。 |
社會面 | 產品品質與安全 | 出貨給客人的產品出現品質瑕疵 ( 例如:有異物、毛邊⋯等 ) | – | 客戶 | 經濟:若客戶退貨,造成公司損失。 社會:瑕疵品若被消費者使用,恐有食安疑慮。 |
治理面 | 客戶關係 | 公司將循環設計概念融入產品設計與製造,以符合客戶期待 | + | 客戶 | 環境:提高資源再利用率、減少石化原料之開採、減少塑膠垃圾 |
治理面 | 營運績效 | 公司營收未達目標且呈現虧損,周轉不靈、無法發薪水給員工 | – | 銀行、供應商、員工 | 經濟:公司虧損,影響供應商、銀行、員工權益 |
環境面 | 循環經濟 | 逐年提高再生料rPET使用比例、廠內粉碎料重複利用 | + | 回收體系、環境 | 環境:提高資源利用率、促進 PET 回收體系發展、減少石化原料之開採 |
環境面 | 原物料管理 | 提高環保、低碳材質之使用 ( 例如:rPET、PLA ) | + | 供應商 | 環境:減少石化原料開採、減少原料碳排放 |
<rowspan=”2″>環境面 | <rowspan=”2″>碳排放 | <rowspan=”2″>1. 用電大戶須依規定每年節電 1% 並申報能源局。 2. 因應氣候變遷調適法,未來可能針對類別 1 、類別 2 之排 碳大戶課徵碳稅 / 碳費。 3. 依據歐盟碳邊境調整機制 ( CBAM ),未來出口歐洲之產品將被課徵碳稅。 | – + | 客戶、公司 環境 | 經濟:碳稅 / 碳費將使企業成本增加,也可能使產品漲價 環境:企業致力降低碳排放,有助減緩溫室效應 |
社會面 | 人才培育 | 面臨人才短缺,透過建立各機能專業學習藍圖,培養內部指導老師,加強內部經驗傳承、協作。 | – | 員工 | 社會:人力未能補足下,員工專業能力提升緩慢,無法跟上市場變化,缺乏市場競爭力。 |
社會面 | 薪酬福利 | 提升員工薪資待遇與福利可以讓員工強化對公司的認同感,連帶提高工作效率,讓公司營收與員工個人財富創造雙贏。 | + | 員工、公司 | 社會:員工有穩定的收入,對公司、社會則是有所助益。 |
社會面 | 員工平等機會與沒有歧視 | 員工平等機會和反對歧視,公司致力於建立一個多元化的工作場所,並且樂意聘用和培訓各種背景和經歷的員工,以確保所有員工都能在公司的文化中感到包容和尊重。 | + | 員工、公司 | 社會:減輕移工來台工作之經濟負擔,保障員工權益,並確保公司不違反強迫勞動之人權公約。 |
社會面 | 職業安全衛生 | 發生重大職災,員工受傷,復原期間無法繼續工作。 | – | 員工、公司 | 社會:員工無法工作,喪失經濟來源。 經濟:公司負擔醫療費用、負補償責任、進行事故調查之金錢與時間成本。 |
Three Major Dimensions | Material Topics | Positive+/ Negative– | Actual / Potential | Impact Scenario Analysis | Parties for Major Impact |
Economic Dimension | Corporate Governance | + | Potential | Implement ESG visions and goals to avoid potential financial and non-financial losses, enhance operational efficiency, and collaboratively create an ESG business model with partners, benefiting society as a whole. | Employee, Supplier, Client, Community, Environment |
Economic Dimension | Operational Efficiency and Performance | + | Actual | When the company strategically allocates and utilizes resources for ESG initiatives, operational efficiency and effectiveness will boost the overall competitiveness. Moreover, robust ESG risk management mechanisms can cultivate mutually beneficial relationships with partners, thereby increasing stakeholders’ confidence in the company. | Bank, Supplier, Employee |
Economic Dimension | Product Safety and Quality | + | Actual | Through ISO 9001, ISO 22000 & HACCP, and BRCGS management systems, we regularly identify potential risks and simulate corresponding countermeasures. As a result, our food safety and quality control management have successfully prevented major incidents, and these high standards have enhanced our customers’ satisfaction as well. | Client |
Economic Dimension | Customer Relationship | + | Potential | We regularly interact with customers to continuously optimize service processes and analyze market feedback to enhance customer satisfaction of service outcomes and result in economic benefits. | Client |
Economic Dimension/ Environmental Dimension |
Circular Economy | + | Actual | As plastic regulations have been updated continually in multiple countries, we regularly review the product categories, strengthen circular economic concepts, increase the recycled materials’ proportions, and reduce the amount of plastic waste in the environment to establish an innovative low-carbon produced lifecycle business model by sustainable economic effects. | Recycle System, Environment |
Economic Dimension | Information Security | – | Actual | Information security and risk management are crucial foundations of the company’s operations. Inadequate system security measures and information management can lead to data breaches and severe damage that harms information assets. This could result in increased costs of repair and impact operational efficiency negatively. | Client, Employee, Supplier |
Economic Dimension | Risk Management | + | Potential | Based on risk management, identifying significant ESG risks and proposing effective response measures and goal controls can effectively transform risks into competitive advantages in company operations through efficient tracking and management. | Client, Supplier, Environment, Employee |
Environmental Dimension | Raw Material Management | + | Potential | Managing raw material usage from the source is a crucial foundation to ensure food safety quality. In addition, actively developing recyclable raw materials that comply with regulations could help reduce both environmental and climate change impacts originating from extraction. | Supplier |
Environmental Dimension/ Economic Dimension |
Supply Chain Management | + | Potential | By guiding the supply chain to adopt ESG management practices, KYF can leverage reputable logistic companies to influence smaller ones to collectively engage in meaningful carbon reduction activities. This approach generates positive and comprehensive benefits for the environmental, social, and KYF financial aspects. | Supplier |
Environmental Dimension | Carbon Emission | + | Actual | Complying with regulatory requirements, we actively participate in GHG inventory reporting and establish medium to long-term carbon neutrality goals. Through internal audits and source analysis, we develop internal management mechanisms to reduce carbon emissions, mitigate potential carbon costs and operational risks, and minimize our impact on climate change. | Client, Company, Public Sector, Environment |
Environmental Dimension | Energy Management | + | Actual | We adhere to regulatory requirements in energy management, establishing relevant processes and internal mechanisms to enhance energy efficiency. This approach aims to reduce the potential price impacts of future energy cost scarcity and minimize unnecessary energy waste. Moreover, it helps mitigate carbon emissions from energy use during production processes, effectively reducing our environmental impact. | Client, Company, Public Sector, Environment |
Social Dimension | Occupational Safety and Health | + | Actual | To enhance internal safety awareness, monitor security measures to prevent potential risks, procure advanced protective equipment to improve safety levels, reduce work-related incidents, mitigate human hazards, and achieve external accreditation through occupational health and safety management systems verification. Additionally, regular health checks and onsite occupational medicine specialist evaluations are conducted to assess employees’ physical and mental well-being. Timely planning of health promotion activities, seminars, and health education campaigns aims to prevent occupational diseases from occurring. | Employee, Company |
Social Dimension | Compensation and Benefits | – | Actual | Competitive compensation and benefits are one of the primary factors in attracting top talents. Otherwise according to industry standards and cost-of-living indexes may result in an inability to offer competitive compensation, thereby limiting the ability to attract more talented individuals and potentially leading to talent attrition. | Employee, Company |
Social Dimension | Talent Incubation | – | Potential | Enhancing employee capabilities is the foundation of corporate competitiveness. Insufficient leadership abilities at the management level may hinder organizational development and create psychological unrest among employees. Without a clear training program for new hires and existing staff, talent attrition may occur, potentially depleting the company’s resources (talent). | Employee |
04Result Confirmation
The material topics table is summarized and submitted to the ESG committee for review and approval.